The revised version of this established textbook provides a unique introduction for students and new entrants to the clothing industry. Profusely illustrated, it sets out a panoramic view of the day-to-day operation of a clothing factory, including management, design, marketing, finance and purchasing as well as quality control and production.
The practical aspects of clothing manufacturing are explained, from the original design to deliveries to retail customers, and each of the basic planning and manufacturing technologies is described with many practical examples of their applications.
The Authors
Gerry Cooklin had over 30 years’ experience in the British and Israeli clothing industries and for 12 years was deputy managing director of the Bagis Group in Israel where he was responsible for technology and development.
Dr Steven G Hayes is Senior Lecturer in Fashion Technology at The Department of Clothing Design and Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.
John Mcloughlin is a Research Associate at the University of Manchester and an International Technical Consultant to the clothing industry.
Also available from Blackwell Publishing
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Carr & Latham’s Technology of Clothing Manufacture
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How Fashion Works
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