Choose an Authentic Center that Leads to Heaven Are you adrift on a sea of confusion, fearful of to continue in your present course, but more afraid to chart new paths because your future is unclear? You may lack a center in your life that could provide a North for your compass. Perhaps you have a center but it is not giving you the fulfillment you are seeking in life. Are you self indulgent, without direction, drifting from one unauthentic relationship to another that leads you down a path of self destruction? This book will not give you a center, but it will certainly show you how to find one, an authentic one, that will allow you to fulfill your destiny. This is a book with reflections on: How to center yourself on what is authentic in life; How you can use The Rule of Threes to help you discover what it essential for eternal life; How to use The Rule of Revolving Centers to help you keep centered, once you have found what is meaningful for you; How to fulfill your destiny and the purpose for which you find yourself able to choose your center; How to use The Rule of Opposites to learn the language of spirituality; and How to use the Golden Thread to link all good thoughts and deeds with the will of the Master.