With increasing restrictions on the use of potable water, managers of urban turf and landscape areas must achieve greater water use efficiency if open public spaces are to survive and be used. ""Water Use Efficiency in Turf and Landscape Irrigation"" provides a logical and scientifically sound approach to irrigation in urban areas in Australia and is based on the need to deliver specific landscape outcomes using principles of water sensitive urban design.The book covers the preparation of water budgets for all turf and landscape sites and provides a range of techniques used to estimate water needs for particular vegetation. A Water Management Planning template is included to guide water managers and operators through a process that will deliver a sound, medium to long-term plan for their irrigation needs.Best Management Practice Irrigation principles are outlined and their implementation in open space turf and landscape situations is explained. The benefits and limitations of the various methods of delivering water to plants are covered together with guidelines for specific horticultural situations. Methodologies to evaluate irrigated sites are included together with recommended benchmark values.The book presents the latest irrigation technology, including developments in applicators, distribution and control technology and environmental sensors such as weather stations, soil moisture sensors and rain sensors.