This book contains the lectures presented at the second Henry D. Green Symposium of the Decorative Arts, which was held at the Georgia Museum of Art in January 2004. It includes contributions from John McKay Sheftall ("Restoring the Cedars Inside and Out: The Odyssey of Keeping a Homeplace"), Maryellen Higginbotham ("Bits and Pieces, Paper and Pattern: Researching Wallpaper in Nineteenth-Century Vernacular"), Tania Simmons ("Feeling Gravity''s Pull: The Andrew Low House Bathing Room, A Mid-Nineteenth-Century Example"), Mary Burdell ("Sharing Henry Green"), Susan Asbury-Newsome and Laura Caldwell Anderson ("''Simple Colonial Furniture'': Franklin H. Gottshall''s Influence on Interior Design at Berry College"), Brad Sanders ("William Bartram and the Changing Landscape"), Paul A. Manoguerra ("The Weight of a Perpetual Creation: George A. Cooke''s Tallulah Falls and American Tourist Representations of Waterfalls"), Thornton F. Jordan ("Westville and 1850 Gardening in the South"), Michele Gillespie ("From Artisan to Entrepreneur: William Price Talmage, Ironworker"), Betty S. Snyder ("Milledgeville Federal-Style Architecture") and Henry D. Green ("Adventures of a Collector, Presentation to the Williamsburg Antiques Forum, 1978").