The ACP-EU Partnership agreement commonly referred to as the Cotonou Agreement brings together over 100 countries in an integrated trade, development assistance and political co-operation relationship. The agreement represents one of the most comprehensive partnership agreement in the world, concluded between groups of developing countries on the one hand and developed countries on the other. The agreement consists of a basic framework of 100 articles supplemented by Annexes, Protocols, annexes to protocols, single and joint declarations integral to the legal text. This wealth of information makes the agreement both complex and difficult to follow. It is this complexity which has given rise to the production of this User's Guide to the Cotonou Agreement. By way of a simple question and answer format, the guide simplifies the agreement making it more accessible to end users, who include, amongst others, policy-makers, the private sector and other stakeholders, thereby making greater use of resources and enhancing the opportunities available under the agreement.