Despite their inherent commonalities, there can be no ‘one size fits all’ model for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and for the provision of Education for All. As a result, a diverse range of innovative programmes has been developed to help meet these global targets.
This Guidebook showcases successful education initiatives from around the Commonwealth, in a concise and easy-to-use format. It provides policy-makers with examples of best practice and effective solutions that will assist them in devising strategies to counter their own educational challenges.
It is also a useful resource for all regional and district education offices, schools, colleges, teacher training institutes, research institutions, multilateral and non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders with an interest in education good practices and improving educational outcomes.
Part I contains background and current education priorities of 31 countries selected from around the Commonwealth. Part II reports on more than 60 education initiatives, with activity-specific, detailed information about:
• themes and key issues addressed
• target beneficiaries
• goals, objectives, outputs and outcomes
• implementation, challenges and advice
• contact details for further information