C O N T E N T S . VOL . I . FIRST REPORT . General Facts aid Considerations. ............................... 1 Particular Objects of Inquiry .................................... 4 Science and .4griculture ....................................... . G English Agriculture ........................................... 1 0 English Capital ............................................... 13 General Appearance of the Countly . ............................. 1 6 IIedges and Enclosures. ....................................... 1 8 Iron and Sunlien Fences . ...................................... 2 0 The Englisll Parlis . ........................................... 2 1 Ornamental Sllrubs and Flowers ................................. 2 0 Climate of England ............................................ 31 Agricultural Population ........................................ 31 1 . The Landlords Rents and Tases . ........................ 34 2 . The Farmers ............................................ 38 3 . The Agricultural Laborers ................................ 3 . 9 AllotmentSystem . ............................................ 73 SECOND REPORT . XI11 . Allotment System. continued. ................................. 81 V . Quantity of Seed . ........................................... 109 XV . Steeping Seeds . ............................................. 1 14 SVI . Spade Husbandry . .......................................... - 1 VOL . I . C1 iv rxn . x PAGE XV11 . Condillon of Utc Eaborers ................................. 133 IYVIII . Progress of Agriculture, compared with other Iursuits ...... - 144 XlX . - 4ctual Improvc ncr t i s n English Agriculture ................ 143 3 . Draining, Irrigation. and Wrpin . g . ................... 146 2 . Live StocB and Vegetables .......................... 130 3 . Agic lItt ra Im I plement ............................. 150 4 . Application of Stesnl to Agricultllre ................... 1.51 5 . Increased Pmduction ................................ 159 6 . Royal AgricuItuml Society ........................... l i0 7 . Agricultural Society of Scotland ...................... 1Gli XX . Relatior o f I. andlord all11 Tenant .......................... 1 67 XXI. Game and the Canme Laws ............................... ITX XXII . The Royal Agricultural Soeicty of Ircland ................. 175 XXIII . Model Farm. and AgricuItural School ..................... 179 XXIT . Dublin Eotsnicd Garden ................................. 1 TIlIRD REPORT . XXV . Agricultnml Education ....................................