Phenolic compounds are aromatic secondary metabolites of plants. In food, they are the major contributor to the color, astringency, bitterness, flavor and smell of them. They are also well known to be natural antioxidants. Epicatechin is a phenolic compound widely present in chocolates, red wine, green and black teas, broad beans, pears, apples, black grapes, apricots, raspberries, blackberries, cherries and bilberry fruits. In this book, Chapter one focuses in principal sources and health benefits associated with food consumption rich in epicatechin, highlighting their chemical structure, bioavailability, biological potential and health benefits. Chapter Two examines the preventive properties of green tea catechins against metabolic syndrome. Chapter Three covers the latest discoveries about biological activities credited to epicatechin, in addition to sources and physicochemical properties, aiming to provide a useful direction to future studies regarding epicatechin effects.