Tales out of School is a light-hearted and nostalgic look in to life in one of the country’s most important secondary schools. St Columb’s College has produced Nobel laureates, bishops, and award-winning artists, but what was life like for these men as boys? What did they really think about the teachers, pupils, punishments, sport, or sex? 2010 marks fifty years since Jude Collins completed his education at ‘The College’, and to commemorate, he decided to visit some of the boys from his class, and record their personal memories of their informative years. The result is Tales out of School, which features over twenty-five interviews with the pupils of Collins’s year, a number of teachers, and the matron who later became immortalised in Seamus Heaney’s ‘Mid-Term Break’. Illustrated with now-and-then photographs and miscellaneous images from the era, this book is sure to pique the interest of the thousands who have passed through the doors of St Columb’s College, Derry.