The Time Bandit is a story about two eleven year old children, Sam and Lizzie and the adventures they are sent on when they discover a one-arm-bandit in an old scrap year where they had gone to hide from PC Goodrich, the local police constable. Eager to see if the machine still works, Sam pulls on the lever and much to their horror the two children discover that the seemingly harmless looking fruit machine is in fact a time machine and before they realise what is happening, they are transported back to six hundred and fifty five AD and the boat burial of a Saxon king at Sutton Hoo. After witnessing this amazing event, bemused and thankful, the pair are relieved to find themselves transported safely back to the scrap yard. Their joy is short lived however when they find that, having discovered their hiding place, PC Goodrich is waiting to apprehend them. However just as he is about to make his arrest he spots the one arm bandit, and unable to resist a go on the fruit machine, before either of the children can stop him, the constable reaches out and pulls down the handle.
Moments later and much to their horror, the trio find themselves transported back in time to the banks of the Little Bighorn river in Montana at the very moment that General Custer's is making his last stand. With the seventh cavalry and the Indians locked in battle, the three time travellers watch in amazement as the fight reaches its climax. Then, before PC Goodrich can stop her, with Custer mortally wounded and the last of his troopers overrun by the hoards of mounted Indians, Lizzie suddenly rushes onto the battle field and risking her life, she saves the life of a cavalry officers horse. Later, when all three are safely returned to the scrap yard, much to her amazement (and PC Goorich's extensive knowledge of American history) Lizzie learns that thanks to her act of bravery, Comanche, the horse who's life she saved is now immortalised and that the story of it's survival has become an enduring part of American history.