This inspirational biography reveals the persecution of Fred Colantonio as a child, boy and man. The reason for his trials was being small in stature. His earliest memories of school were taunts, bruises and bullies. Fred stood four feet seven inches tall and weighed 75 pounds upon entering St. Benedict's High School. His first day in high school a nun asked him, "Why are you here. You should be in grade school." Fred replied, "Sister, I've had ten years of grade school. I've had more than enough to last a lifetime." When he could no longer contend with the high school bullies, he sought help from Sister Superior Mary Patricuis. Because of her grace and understanding he escaped further persecution, when she warned the bullies there would be consequences if they persisted in bullying Fred. In adulthood, Fred turned his life around by utilizing a positive mental attitude at work and in his relationships.