Logic-Based Therapy (LBT) is a dynamic, philosophical, logical, and eclectic form of cognitive-behavior therapy that is closely aligned with the theory known as Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). It is based on the idea that people behaviorally and emotionally upset themselves by deducing self-defeating, unrealistic, or destructive conclusions from irrational premises. Teaching how to identify, refute, and construct rational “antidotes” to these fallacious premises through the use of logic and philosophy, this book shows how to use LBT to overcome destabilizing problems of anxiety, depression, guilt, and anger, and to work toward attaining self-fulfilling, “transcendent virtues.” Providing a careful examination of both the theory and practice of LBT, as embedded in its five-step program, this book is intended as a guide for psychotherapists who would like to take a more philosophical approach to therapy; philosophical counselors or coaches; and anyone who wants to understand how logic and philosophy can be resourcefully and seamlessly combined with a cognitive-behavioral approach to help people overcome their behavioral and emotional problems and attain greater happiness.