This book examines the rehabilitation of language disorders in adults, presenting new research, as well as expert insights and perspectives, into this area. The first chapter presents a study on personalised cueing to enhance word finding. Cynthia K. Thompson and her colleagues contribute a chapter describing The Northwestern Naming Battery and its use in examining for verb and noun deficits in stroke-induced and primary progressive aphasia. Heather Harris-Wright and Gilson J. Capilouto examine a multi-level approach to understanding the maintenance of global coherence in aphasia. Kathryn M. Yorkston and colleagues provide discussion on the training of healthcare professionals, and what speech and language pathology and medical education can learn from one another. Yorkston also presents a systematic review asking whether principles of motor learning can enhance retention and transfer of speech skills. Connie A. Tompkins present a single-participant experiment examining generalization of a novel treatment for coarse coding deficit in right hemisphere damage. Finally, Chris Code returns to the topic of apportioning time for aphasia treatment.
This book was originally published as a special issue of Aphasiology.