Dr. George P. Thomon, Nobel Laureate in Physics said, "We have labelled civilizations by the main materials which they have used: The Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age *** a civilization is both developed and limited by the materials at its disposal. Today, man lives on the boundary between the Iron Age and a New Materials Age." The ever more stringent requirements for materials to accomplish specific functions and withstand extreme conditions, as dictated by the needs of industry and defense, con- tinue to spur ever more intensive research in Materials Science. According to the recent report "Trends and Opportunities in Materials Research" a vital goal of materials research is to design synthesize and fabricate in high yield, new materials with properties that can be pre- dicted, varied and controlled. In the past this has been a fairly empirical process, but as we gain more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of matter on an atomic and molecular scale this goal becomes ever more attain- able. An important recent trend is the increasing sophistication and power of theoretical approaches.
Aided by the development of computers and versa- tile numerical techniques, as well as concepts from statistical mechanics, theorists are beginning to confront the complexity of real materials. Important advances are expected through a concentrated attack on model systems in which the theorist, experimental scientist and engineer all work together towards designing new materials and controlling their properties.