A recent national survey found many serious problems within hospital chaplaincy work with chaplains often feeling marginalised by other staff or failing to understand their role. This practical and informative guide is therefore both timely and will meet and urgent need.
Aimed both at newly appointed and experienced chaplains, it aims to be a primary resource offering continuing guidance on: - the role of chaplaincy in the NHS today - the spiritual dimension of illness, injury and health care - ward etiquette, assessing needs, working with other health care professionals - working in specialist areas - maternity, paediatrics, accident & emergency, geriatrics, etc - death, dying and bereavement - beliefs and practices of different faiths - professional practice: ethics, pastoral boundaries, confidentiality, record keeping, clinical audit - caseload management, supervising volunteers, education and training - a large selection of prayers and readings for routine and emergency pastoral situations, anointing and laying on of hands, and much more.