DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. U.S. Coast Guard Boat Operations and Training (BOAT)
Manual, Volume II, COMDTINST M16114.33C is canceled.
MAJOR CHANGES. This Manual has undergone a comprehensive revision and
reorganization which includes the following major changes:
a. Added revised training system guidance.
b. Removed all content relating to personal qualification standards.
c. Added Boat Crew Qualification Standards guidance.
d. Updated Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge certification requirements.
e. Added revised Boat Forces readiness framework.
f. Updated Boat Forces Underwater Egress Trainer (UWET), and added that all active duty
personnel shall successfully complete this course prior to obtaining initial boat crew
member qualification for all shore-based units and enclosed cutter boats.
g. Added temporary certification for Catastrophic Incident SAR.
h. Updated Officer of the Day (OOD) job qualification requirements guidance.
i. Added Cutter currency tracking.