Omitting complicated chemistry concepts, Polyurethane Casting Primer presents practical details on the casting of polyurethane products to assist readers in their daily work. It covers fundamental methods, explores hands-on design and production topics, and keeps theory to a minimum.
The book fully explains casting and allied processes. Starting from a "bucket and paddle mix" open pour, postcuring machining, bonding, and painting, it discusses how to produce quality products continuously. The author describes the necessary precautions for maintaining the health and safety of workers. He covers the properties of polyurethane systems, the tests and results of polyurethanes commonly used in compression, and the correct grade and processing of polyurethanes for meeting customer requirements. He also reveals how to fix issues such as molding problems and premature end of life.
The versatility of polyurethane enables a wide range of applications, from simple, noncritical parts to vital engineering products. This book guides manufacturers in designing and producing polyurethane products. Batch calculations are available for download at