The 2015 Paris Agreement represented the commitment of 197 nations to limit temperature increases due to climate change to no more than 2 DegreesC posing climate resilience and clean growth as one of the most influential far-reaching governance opportunities of the twenty-first century. Finance plays a critical role in the transition to a clean economy one that will require significant collaboration and governance coordination between private and public financial institutions and with policy-makers. Green Finance: New Directions in Sustainable Finance Research and Policy provides compelling insights from "green finance" thought leaders in academia civil society the financial industry and government offering new research ideas multilevel governance trends and solutions to challenging issues in sustainable finance. The book also serves as a platform for building new research collaborations aimed at transforming Canada's financial system into one in which sustainable growth is ingrained in everyday policy decisions and business practices. Canada has the chance to become a world leader by showing that a low-carbon economy bears incredible economic and societal opportunities. In this evolving global economy businesses insurance companies banks pension funds mutual funds not-for-profits universities and government institutions must be aware of the financial risks of stalling action around climate change and they must recognize that sustainability is crucial to Canada's long-term success.