It is July 2018.
The eyes of the world are on the Middle East. The Americans fly daily bombing sorties as President Trump stands determined to stamp out Islamist terrorism.
In Kenya, the suspicious death of their President has led to tribal violence and a security crisis. Al Shabaab are waiting patiently just over the Somali border, with a motorised brigade who have been training for two years, in preparation for vengeance.
Brexit has seen the armed forces of Britain cut to ribbons by an economy drive. The remaining men and women of the British Army Training Unit near Mount Kenya, have been served their redundancy notices and their new base is being sold.
A small group of Brits, friendships forged in their younger days in the service of Her Majesty, are returning up-country from a golf trip to the Kenyan coast. They have stopped for a night in the bush.
And then... The storm breaks...
Simon Clayton's third novel is an action-packed thriller, based in Kenya, and on the sort of chilling scenario only too possible in this uncertain world.