bwhardcopy She is a seer, a visionary, a mystic. Her writing is not only creative, clever and captivating, she is also a brilliant poet. Her Mystic Verses are entertaining on the surface, however, once you begin to peel away the layers, you will find the real alchemy within her rhymes. She is eerily cabalistic, a strangely esoteric embodiment of the ethereal, this Delphic Oracle of Oracles who is possessed with a knowledge of past, present and future that defies "reason" (as she so aptly identifies the problem with mankind)." You've read Nostradamus and his visionary quatrains - Casey and his in-trance visions - and there are many more who channel or communicate with entities on the other side. M Teresa Clayton is our contemporary catalyst. She listens, discusses, then writes the messages in pristine verse like no other. Truly mystical. Place Nostradamus, Casey into the mind of Poe and you have a much clearer understanding of M. Teresa Clayton