Black and White Soft Cover "She is eerily cabalistic, a strangely esoteric embodiment of the ethereal, this Delphic Oracle of Oracles who is possessed with a knowledge of past, present and future that defies "reason" (as she so aptly identifies the problem with mankind). Think Casey, Nostradamus meets Edgar Allen Poe and you have a perfect description of this author" She has nurtured a dialogue with the OTHERES, inter-dimensional beings, who inform her writings. Among the most easily recognized mystic communications are riddles, parables, is woven in symbols, dreams, allegory, apocrypha, metaphor & psycho-speak. Mystic writers often speak of being in a trance, dream-state, altered-consciousness, or channeling god or other entities from beyond." MYSTICS, within the context of their writing, are communicating something other than what is read at the surface...there is the literal meaning; misunderstood or not understood at all & there is the veiled meaning.