Korvaava tuote: 9780132153591 For pre-service and graduate level courses in Arts Integration, Art Methods, Music Education, Drama Education, Dance Education, and Literacy Block Courses.
Are you looking to learn a new way to engage and motivate K-12 learners including those who are gifted, at-risk, or who have special needs?
The new edition of this best selling text on arts-based teaching redefines literacy to include the arts (literature, drama, dance, and music) as a way to understand the world and express oneself. This research-based arts instruction provides teachers with a way to engage and motivate all learners, cultivate a positive classroom environment, and encourage life-long learning.
Begin using arts-based instruction in your classroom immediately through an Arts Integration Blueprint comprised of 10 building blocks for arts-based instruction that includes collaborative unit planning, best arts-based teaching practices, and assessment for learning. Five Seed Strategy chapters provide a compendium of activities to use literature, art, music, drama, and dance as everyday teaching tools.
Finally, Part 1 provides the research and theory that supports the arts literacy needed by classroom teachers (as outlined in the new INTASC standards). This is a must-have resource for teachers who want to use the arts to motivate students and enhance achievement.