FiSIAQ publication 5 E The Classification of Indoor Environment 2008, Target Values, Design Guidance and Product Requirements is intended to be used in the design and construction of healthier and more comfortable buildings and their mechanical systems. It also provides guidelines for manufacturers of air-handling equipment and building materials who wish to produce better building products. The Classification can be used for new constructions and in evaluation of all buildings, and when applicable, also for renovation. The Classification gives target and design values for indoor climate and supports the work of building owners, designers, equipment manufacturers, contractors and maintenance personnel. The Classification can be referred to when writing specifications of construction and mechanical systems. It can be used even as an enclosure of such specifications. The Classification supplements The National Building Code of Finland, General Requirements for Quality in Construction Work, Model Specifications for Constructions, Model Specifications for Mechanical Systems of Buildings, General Agreement between Contractors, RT-standards sheets published by the Finnish Building Information Foundation RTS, and other documents related to construction. The Classification does not overrule official building codes or interpretations of them.