A book designed specifically for young adults studying PSHE, but with the needs of the teacher very much in mind. Poetry for PSHE, or Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, is a collection of poems for school children of secondary school age. It is an anthology of poems covering subjects such as friendship, families, bullying and social media. The poems deal with the subjects in a way that makes pupils keen to read the next one, exposing them to common issues they may face, whilst also allowing them to learn solutions and ways to cope should they find themselves involved with the issues discussed. The subjects covered in Poetry for PSHE are either rarely covered within a school curriculum or are spread between a number of disciplines, subjects and teachers. The Department for Education has said that PSHE is an important and necessary part of all pupils' education, underlining this anthology's relevance and importance. These poems - as well as the lessons built around them - will live with pupils long after the lesson has ended.