INTELLECTUAL PEOPLE -- Ye smell as though ye had conceived some great matter but, as for that which ye are delivered of, who knometh it not - JOB. -- CULTURE -- MY theme is culture, and the cultured mind, Which looks with pity on the common hind Assumes the air of Fortunes favorecl ones, And through this life with self-assertion runs Be mine the task, however sac1 to clo, To bring my subject clearly to the view Ignoring Fcnr ancl a11 its trembling train, As I go through the classic and the win. From carly life I re loved to think how pure, The mountain streams which a to old Ocenil pour I vc lored to look upon the crystal clear, On beautys cheek to note tlic beamy tear I ve loved to gaze upon the moons bright face, As she her course pursues through raultccl space I ve loved in stillness, through the breathless night, To watch the planets in their steady flight I VC loved to 1001 upon the flaky snow Upon the babes soft eyes, its stainless brow I vc lovcd amid the forests oft to roam I ve lorecl, at sea, to match its sparkling foam I ve loved to iiote the clolphins at their play The twilight fade at morn ancl eve Lway And on the land, amid its fruitful fields, To view its charms, and all mliich harvest yields. And why because delicious is the sense Of gentle truth and sweetest innocence. I vc loved to think tl amt an might be as puce, Through cultures care, and learnings varied store But years have swept the fond conceit away, I see that Virtue S something as a plny I see that goodness dwells alike with all, That its n part of both the great and small That none nre better than tliey ought to be, Or love too well, 0 Christ, to follow Thee Then, come sweet spirit of the art of song, Whosellome is where there never cm2 be zorong, Assist my strain and aid me to portray, How vice in culture holds too often sway JIake clear my mind to see the human soul, all its subtle worliil gf or 01ltr0 1 Give me tlie courage to lay bare the ways The classic take in their wilcl rush for plrctise Then sllall I show llilto my fellow man, That life is 112ec02, though based on cnltnl-es plan. When from the vomb the infant moves to light, To grow in strcngtll for either wrong or right, Came it among n race of beings twe, Cliltlire woulcl prompt it nothing rile to c70 But as it grows to think, to act a part, I t gathers knowledge, and corrupts the heart Iihile in that brain is stored a sstu ms of lore, . In morals, manners, is the creature poor T is taught the classics, natnral laws acquire, Ethics engages, but with less desire. Religion does, perhaps, escite some glow Of curiosity its trutlis to know, Yet, so much else there is the pride to please, Religioii S courtecl only at their ease. T is Cultures policy to wing the wit, To scale ambitions lofty minaret To worship only at the shrine of pride, To shre dlyfl oat on I owleiIgesus llny tide. The zo-cl s l ense, thougll trained the right to llold 111 schools and colleges, il self will fold In close retirement, ml1e11 the mind may be Plan lii nguc l working, va. nity, for thee Tlx s icrecl rights of others are laic1 low Learning rnnlres possible, directs the blozo For it mill 10 far meaner acts than those, MTho little else than honest impulse knows. That force which common things ennobles more, Than a11 a Bacons genius with his lore. Yes, holiest impulse that is much your need, Ye cultrc. ecls . ro. i rclle o . f s evcry breed If ye havelearned all languages to speak, Have gone through Science, and through Latin, Greek, As Pascal, learned all - a11 thcrc is to know, But not as Pascal, bowecl in solelnn woe I - What boots your knowledge if you love to lie, To cozen ignorance and laws ciefj...