We've all had the experience - something happens that grabs our attention and then seems to take on a life of its own. My attention was grabbed when two days in a row two different sales clerks said to me " Oh, we should have told you." The next thing I knew I was flipping through a personal Journal that I had kept during several years of my Spiritual Journey, picking out stories of personal experiences and "messages from someone outside of myself" and then adding intuitively suggested subtitles to these stories and messages. "Oh, we should have told you" was transforming itself into this book. Even though I have lived these experiences and have "heard the messages", I continue to gain wisdom and comfort each time I read them. I trust that by reading the pages of this book, you will be stimulated to reflect upon and to gain insights into your own experiences and that you will be provided with inspiration and comfort as you navigate your own Spiritual Journey.