This is a brand new paperback edition. Have you ever thrown your arms up in despair while trying to complete an official form and asked yourself 'Just what is the point of this?' You're not alone. This book exposes some of the most petty and bizarre rules and regulations which are blighting the lives of Britons today. From the 45 pages of instructions on how to correctly label a goat (or sheep) to the impact that being a deep-sea diver might have on your tax return. If it wasn't so serious, it would be quite funny.
Among his other discoveries are: a rugby club in Ilfracombe was so burdened by health and safety rules that it was forced to abandon its real-life bonfire and instead celebrate Guy Fawkes' night with a 'virtual bonfire' projected onto a screen; employers must not hold important meetings on 31 October - it might discriminate against pagans, who, of course, celebrate the festival of Samhain on that day; a woman from Kilbride was given an ASBO forbidding her from answering the door in her underwear; a motorist in Waltham Forest, East London, was fined for parking on double yellow lines that were not even there when he parked his car; and, the lorry painting the lines had drawn around the stationary vehicle. All completely true and all contained, along with hundreds of others, in this eye-opening little book.