ConcepTests, based on work done in the physics classroom by Eric Mazur at Harvard University, are a simple yet effective method for teaching science. They involve asking students to quickly provide the answer to a conceptual question during the course of a lecture, and then, if there is disagreement about the answer, to work in groups to discuss the problem.
Numerous instructors are already making use of this approach in courses across the curriculum. The goal of ConcepTests is to foster active student learning, even in a large lecture environment. Engaging students in the learning process has been shown to increase classroom attendance, improve student learning of and attitude toward chemistry, and reduce attrition.
This is the first book designed to assist instructors who are interested in implementing ConcepTests in their chemistry courses. It explains what a ConcepTest is, how to craft one, how to implement this technique (with special attention paid to large classrooms), and it provides a number of tools that will help instructors use ConcepTests with a minimum of effort.