Time, "repetition" and "metamorphosis" are the central concepts in the work of Fredrik Vaerslev (*1979 in Moss, Norway). The artist places his canvases outdoors to observe the degree to which nature leaves its "signature" on them. In the exhibition on Ile des impressionnistes, Chatou, this process could be witnessed directly where it was taking place. Between October and December, nineteen minimalistically sprayed canvases, or mimicked awnings to be exact, were scattered across the island on the Seine and hung from trees. That Vaerslev references the John Le Carre novel The Constant Gardener, where the corpse of a woman is discovered in a bush, in the title of the exhibition is a perfect showstopper. This publication documents the plein-air exhibition in its various stages and masterfully introduces the changing work of the artist. The exhibition has ended: CNEAI-Centre National Edition Art Image, Ile des impressionistes, Chatou, 17.10.-17.12.2015