<p> The Only Authorized Journal and Workbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program </p>
The Only Authorized Journal and Workbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program.
- Cisco-approved study materials for the Networking Academies course
- Written by the course developer!
- Maps to online curriculum version
- Increased integration across print products for more effective learning resource
- Includes exercise that will complement each chapter of the First Year Companion, Second Edition and each module of the online curriculum.
- Includes CCNA review material keyed to the curriculum and the CCNA Exam objectives.
Cisco Networking Academy Program: Engineering Journal and Workbook, Volume I, Second Edition has been strongly integrated with the Cisco Networking Academy Program: First-Year Companion Guide, Second Edition, the Cisco Networking Academy Program: Lab Companion, Volume I, Second Edition, and the online curriculum.
This book tracks to Semesters 1 and 2, Version 2.1 of the online curriculum and includes a chapter on the Engineering Journal and how to establish a habit of documenting your work. It provides study aids for each chapter, including a detailed chapter introduction and objectives, complete with a writing opportunity for each objective. High-level thought process questions called Focus Questions provide you with the opportunity to express what you have learned in writing. Each chapter also includes review questions to prepare you for the CCNA exam.