The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL is a refereed academic publication which aims to disseminate information, knowledge and expertise in the broad area of applied linguistics. Strong preference is given to contributions relating to second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, teacher training and classroom innovation. This issue includes ten articles presenting the latest research and scholarship from Japan, Poland, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, the United States and Taiwan and covers important topics in the field, including:
critical narratives for teaching pragmatics
stereotypes in foreign language learning and teaching
narrative experiences of new migrants
scaffolding academic language and literacy with school-aged learners
teacher roles in EIL
the opinions of English language lecturers on the use of action research
the decrease in anxiety levels as as result of second language exposure
explicit and implicit learning the the L2 classroom
enactments of a focus on language in CLIL classrooms
teaching phonics to Chinese L1 primary pupils
This provides a valuable source of reference for applied linguists, teacher trainers, materials developers and practitioners in the field of EFL/ESL. It offers readers a deeper insight into current issues and practices, thereby broadening their knowledge and promoting professional development.