This is the third volume of the acta of a series of symposia held in Hernen Castle (Netherlands). Two earlier volumes were published under the same title "East and West in the Crusader States: Context - Contacts - Confrontations" (I and II, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 78 and 92). Cultural, social and religious contacts took place in the multi-ethnic society in Outremer. The various articles deal with religious and cultural encounters in the Crusader States where Byzantines, Syrian Orthodox, Georgians, Muslims, the Military Orders and many others met almost daily. Ethnographic attitudes, money changing hands, pilgrims' accommodation, icons and other forms of religious art are discussed here. Confrontation took place when new expeditions were organised (Alexandrian Crusade). The history of the Latin States is discussed in the context of Byzantine and Western sources. The first English translation of Constantine Manasses' "Hodoiporikon" is published in this volume.