"Quirky, intensely original...an intellectual page-turner...Chute combines strident political commentary with humor, surrealism, and inventive language. Her novel, like its author...is multilayered and complex, deeply critical of society but fiercely devoted to humans."-O Magazine "Deeply felt, scorchingly funny."--Vanity Fair
Legendary storyteller Carolyn Chute's return to the setting of her bestseller The Beans of Egypt, Maine has received rave reviews from the mainstream press, with the Boston Globe hailing Treat Us Like Dogs and We Will Become Wolves as "unlike anything else you will ever probably read." Centered on one controversial man's attempt to create an alternative community away from the strictures of modern life and mainstream American society, and the scrutiny he and his Settlement come under when the media grabs a hold of their story, Treat Us Like Dogs and We Will Become Wolves is a multilayered, propulsive novel from one of our most daring and original writers.
"A 700-page piece of wonderful, infuriating, narrative energy...This is the work of a writer at the peak of her craft."--Minneapolis Star Tribune
"As always Chute's voice is smart, funny, and fired up about righting the wrongs of the world."-Boston Globe