Economics for Business and Management by Alec Chrystal and Richard Lipsey is a concise introductory economics textbook which has been carefully crafted to meet the needs of business studies and management students. Developed using the authors' highly successful Introduction to Positive Economics as a starting point, the authors have carefully selected essential material, added new coverage, and taken the opportunity to make the text even clearer. The text draws upon Alec Chrystal's extensive experience of teaching economics to management students at City University Business School, London.
With the intended readership in mind, the greater part of the text focuses upon microeconomics, including the theory of the firm, consumers and markets, market structures, and the economics of business organizations. Business and management students will also find the text's coverage of the economics of employment and investment particularly helpful.
The macroeconomics included has also been chosen to be of maximum benefit to management students, focusing on business cycles and the macroeconomic factors which affect firms (such as inflation and employment), and the balance of payments and exchange rates.
Economics for Business and Management includes case studies and case examples which are essential for understanding the business context of economics. Other learning aids include chapter introductions, chapter summaries, topics for review, and end of chapter questions.