Think. Decide. Act."Management" by Neck, Lattimer and Houghton helps students think critically, make better decisions, and act in an ethical way that contributes to long-term organizational success.The authors of "Management" believe that young managers can contribute to building a more sustainable future by making decisions that are more acutely informed by their ability to see, think, apply, analyze, design, integrate, and evaluate systems and patterns of behavior. In order to do this, students and instructors need a new principles of management textbook to address today's challenges and opportunities, with a new approach to content, pedagogy, and style.While this approach is different, instructors should feel immediately comfortable using the text: with input from over 200 principles of management instructors over the course of its development, "Management" provides the tools to help instructors teach and students learn the how and why behind management decisions. Choose Neck, "Management" and build your students' critical thinking skills necessary for sound decision-making that later translates into effective business management.