This book discusses in a concise manner the key aspects that are important for the understanding of regulations and managerial framework governing marine pollution. It identifies the practical context in which marine pollution comes into play and addresses the international legal regime governing the numerous sources of marine pollution, as well as the ways in which these regulations affect the conduct of day-to-day shipping operations.
With illustrations, case studies, emphasis boxes, references to case law and to national jurisdictions and other tools facilitating understanding and knowledge, readers will find helpful guidance on:
the sources of marine pollution (including ship-source pollution and pollution from the offshore oil and gas sector);
the forms of cooperation needed in order to tackle the prevention, management and response to marine pollution;
overview of MARPOL Convention, other key IMO conventions, and selected regional regimes;
legal ramifications, including P & I Clubs and limitation of liability;
involvement of the flag State, coastal State and port State;
industry best practice;
the human element
Marine Pollution Control will be a useful guidance tool for shipping Industry professionals, (P & I) Clubs, Legal practitioners, maritime administrators, as well as academics and students of marine pollution.