Korvaava tuote: 9780321462510 Concise, flexible, practical, and innovative: Envision is the first brief argument rhetoric designed for students learning to write in today¿s visual world. Envision: Persuasive Writing in a Visual World is intended for composition courses focusing on argumentation and researched writing. Taking visual culture as its central theme and context, Envision is concerned with the fundamentals of writing in powerful and effective ways. By exploring and responding to a wide variety of visual texts and artifacts, students using Envision will learn how to analyze and craft arguments, design and conduct research projects, and produce persuasive visual texts. Envision is based on a dual premise. It asserts that students today are learning to write in a visual culture in which composition is expanding to include the analysis and production of visual as well as print texts. At the same time, it argues that the rhetorical tradition provides the most useful and teachable framework for understanding and responding to the persuasive power of visual texts. With over 100 color images and a rich, colorful interior design, Envision will immediately stand out in the composition market as a new and striking text