The Troll Wars are over. Death was only the beginning. With the ice troll now dead, the vacuum of power yearns to be filled and the undead Atrocity known as Saath is more than willing and ready to fill that void. His lifetime goal of bringing about an army strong enough to ensure that his species will survive the God Wars has now come to fruition. Now all he has to do is to ensure that he can never be stopped even if that means annihilating everything in the process. Yet, the Atrocity isn't the only creature bent on destruction. A nightmare of great proportions threatens to bring about a greater form of obliteration than anyone could ever imagine. As House Orbbelgguren rushes to stop the threat of the undead Atrocity, they realize that his madness has unleashed a series of events that can obliterate them all. However, not everything is as straight forward as it seems. This continues the epic adventures of the Orbbelgguren Series.