Selling from your heart and with your heart is about loving your products, your business and your customers. Heartselling describes the paradigm shift from push marketing to pull marketing. The times where “guerilla strategies” were helpful to attract spouses or customers are gone. Customers actively avoid pushy marketing and sales approaches. They demand more from the companies they do business with in the 21st century: They want to be invited to buy – intelligently, gently and with finesse. Customers love shopping and customers love buying. Heartselling is about the science and art to foster and enhance your customer’s love to buy from you. Alexander Christiani shows you dozens of time tested strategies and tactics to activate the seven magnets of attracting customers. And best of all, as a “German systems guy” he shows you how to orchestrate all these heartselling tools into one comprehensive marketing sinfonia: Experience first hand the marketing power which made Alex one of the leading sales coaches in Europe.