Ett återkommande fenomen i dagens internationella samarbete är de s.k. politiskt bindande avtalen. I denna bok diskuterar författaren några teoretiska frågor som hör samman med detta fenomen. Stöder internationell rätt ett giltigt val mellan juridiskt bindande och icke-juridiskt bindande avtal? Hur skiljer man mellan ett juridiskt bindande avtal och ett icke-juridiskt bindande avtal? Vad är det för materiella skillnader mellan ett juridiskt och icke-juridiskt avtal? Boken är skriven på engelska.
A recurrent phenomenon in contemporary international co-operation is the conclusion of so-called "politically binding agreements". In this book the author discusses some theoretical questions related to this phenomenon. Do international law support a valid option between legally binding and non-legal agreements? How should one distinguish a legally binding agreement from a non-legal one? What are the material differences between a legal and a non-legal agreement?The theoretical framework developed is subsequently applied to the foundational documents of five multilateral export control regimes, i.e., the Zangger Committee, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Australia Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime, and the Wassenaar Arrangement. The task undertaken in the present work is to try to establish their status in the dichotomy of legal and non-legal agreements. The analysis of their status under international law is also complemented with an analysis of their implementation in one country (Sweden), in order to evaluate whether the domestic implementation of the regimes may also shed some light on their status under international law.