A staggering 33% of new businesses fail within 3 years.
In the real world for most start-ups the real challenge of the first three years is survival; being successful is icing on the cake - it can and will happen, but you need to navigate the survival phase first.
This book is your survival guide. It sets out the absolute fundamentals that must be addressed to ensure not only that you survive but that you are well set up to be very successful. It is therefore a book about success, but from the angle of what can so easily go wrong and how to avoid these pitfalls.
In this book the reasons for businesses failing are thoroughly analysed and, if you follow the contents, you should be in a much better position to weather the storms of encountered in growing a business - and come out smiling at the other side.
The book is upbeat and practical for the entrepreneur who is determined that they will make it. It's the book that makes sure your dreams stay intact, and that your business flourishes.
The book covers everything from funding, finance, cashflow and debtors, through to products, quality, pricing, customers and staff motivation and morale. Every aspect of your business that might need attention to ensure you're in good shape is looked at in a pithy and practical way.