Using case studies from the UK and Europe, Chris Couch examines the nature and achievements of the expanded towns programmes that emerged in the mid-20th century to accommodate population growth and overspill from densely populated urban areas. Thought-provoking insights into lessons to be learnt are provided, alongside arguments for further planned expansion of smaller towns today.
This timely book investigates how development pressures caused by rapidly growing populations, have led to some disregard for health and housing standards, and how a fresh look at the relationship between urban form and public health is necessary, particularly in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. The author raises the importance of strong planning and public land acquisition, concluding with a strong case for a new programme of planned expansion in smaller towns.
Written in an accessible style, this book is an excellent resource for students and researchers in urban planning, geography and history as well as housing policy, estate management and the built environment. Practitioners and policy makers within town planning and urban development would also find this an invaluable read.