Korvaava tuote: 9781405873239 Tourism is a fast and furious industry and there is no better textbook to introduce students to its fundamental principles.
It uses a framework to integrate theory and practice, and colours it with global and diverse examples. These features come together to give students insights into the impact and influence of tourism on its environment and vice versa.
This new enhanced media edition helps students make the most of their learning by delivering a range of supporting material. Accessed via a website, new features include and interactive e-book full of animated exercises, FT articles on the latest developments in tourism, video cases featuring companies such as Marriott, Air France and the Easy Group. There are also useful revision aids such as Flashcards and self-assessment questions so students can identify the weak spots in their knowledge.
This is in addition to quick test questions throughout each chapter and supporting lecturer material including an Instructors Manual and PowerPoint slides.
This enhanced media edition really does give students the best way to master their subject.