The book contains researchers’ scientific opinions and ideas focused on Romanian Academy Strategy 2020. The authors consider economic structures, trends and possible responses to globalisation and European integration challenges.This volume is dedicated to the recently deceased research fellow professor Constantin Ciutacu who was one of the initiators of the ‹‹Economic Scientific Research – Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches›› (ESPERA) conference and a personality of the Romanian economic research.
ESPERA is initiated annually by the National Institute for Economic Research ‹‹Costin C. Kirițescu›› of the Romanian Academy. It aims to present and evaluate the economic scientific research portfolio and to argue and substantiate development strategies, including European and global best practices. ESPERA intend to become a scientific support for conceptualisation and the establishment of policies and strategies to provide a systematic, permanent, wide and challenging dialogue within the European area of economic and social research.