Often perceived as conservative and rigid, the churches have sometimes been barriers to people's claiming their sexuality. Yet, in their response to the crisis posed by AIDS and HIV, Christian churches have also often challenged harmful cultural practices and surmounted that stereotype. Focusing on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), especially in African settings, this volume seeks to identify and cultivate the positive, indeed liberating, role that the churches must play.
Bringing the power of religion to bear on the social and religious attitudes that lead to silence, stigma, repression, and even gender violence, authors in this volume critically appraise and reappropriate received biblical, pastoral, and theological sources to offer a new vision to persons most often denied their rights, including women generally, youth, sexual minorities, and the disabled.
The EHAIA series has proven to be a theological and pastoral wellspring for churches in Africa and beyond. This volume will enlighten and inform church leaders and pastoral caregivers everywhere to how the churches can enable all people to enjoy abundant life.