Korvaava tuote: 9780131142831 For Business Math, Consumer Math, and Personal Finance (arithmetic-based) courses at the undergraduate level.
This top seller continues to offer a comprehensive and effective demonstration of mathematical basic concepts through extensive use of business examples taken from real-world applications in such areas as banking, the hotel/motel industry, retail, and real estate. Strengthening and refining coverage throughout, it encompasses all areas of business mathematics—beginning with skill-building sections on whole numbers and decimals; guiding students through fractions, percents, statistics, and equations; then easing them into the specifics of business-related mathematics applications with discussions on payroll, discounts, markup/markdown, interest, credit and more. Direct, friendly, and visually appealing, it keeps both the teacher and students in mind at all times, offering an adaptable self-instructional or teacher-directed format, and myriad motivational tools to stimulate interest and deepen understanding. Perfect for instructors who want to incorporate the teaching of AMATYC and NCTM standards—numerous pedagogical features correlate specifically to these standards.