This book is divided into three sections: (1) Jobs, Careers, and Global Mobility; (2) Innovations from International Collaborations; and (3) Women Leaders of the Global Chemistry Enterprise. Chapter 1 is an overview chapter that summarizes the contents of all the chapters and also provides the background and the framework for the themes delineated in the book.
This book is intended to be useful to a wide range of audiences in the global chemistry enterprise, including scientists and engineers in academia, industry, government, non-profit organizations, and small businesses, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. For people interested in jobs, careers, and international educational and training opportunities, they may want to read Chapters 1-3. Particularly useful are the many resources currently available at ACS (and elsewhere) that are
shown in those chapters. International collaboration is becoming an increasingly useful tool for career success. Chapter 5 (by Carroll) gives an overview of ACS products and services that can be used to facilitate international collaboration. Chapters 6-17 give many excellent examples of international
collaborations and the positive outcomes resulting from such collaborations. Finally, Chapters 18-33 present the stories of 16 successful women scientists throughout the world who have overcome bias, family demands, and other difficulties to achieve notable success in scientific scholarship and/or professional leadership. These stories should be inspirational to all male and female readers.