Polarimetric rotation domain interpretation is an innovation in radar image processing and understanding. Orientation rotation is a basic operator well known in the classic polarimetry theory, and significant advancement has been made in recent years. This book presents new and advanced concepts, theories, and methodologies in radar polarimetry and bridges the gaps between target scattering diversity, polarimetric radar data, and their practical applications. It provides a comprehensive summarization and investigation of polarimetric rotation domain features and demonstrates novel applications of polarimetric radar target detection, classification, target structure recognition, and urban damage mapping.
Focuses on basic concepts, key techniques, and various applications of the polarimetric rotation domain interpretation paradigm for the first time in book form
Explains, represents, and utilizes the radar target scattering diversity effect
Identifies new methods for target polarimetric scattering mechanism understanding
Provides a comprehensive investigation of polarimetric roll-invariant features
Includes novel application developments for imaging radar target detection, structure recognition, and damage mapping
This book is written for researchers and professionals in radar polarimetry, radar imaging, microwave remote sensing, environmental studies, and other related fields. Senior undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as teachers in the same fields, will benefit from the advancements highlighted in this book.