Organisational Behaviour (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organisations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organisation relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organisation, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organisational objectives, and social objectives. The organisation's base rests on management's philosophy, values, vision and goals. This in turn drives the organisational culture which is composed of the formal organisation, informal organisation, and the social environment. The culture determines the type of leadership, communication, and group dynamics within the organisation. The workers perceive this as the quality of work life which directs their degree of motivation. The final outcomes are performance, individual satisfaction, and personal growth and development. All these elements combine to build the model or framework that the organisation operates from. This book presents carefully selected current research on this subject.