Mobility and Corporeality in 19th and 21st Century Anglophone Literature: Bodies in Motion aims at exploring the intersection of literary, mobility and body studies in Anglophone literature from the 19th century to the 21st century. Corporeal mobility includes a variety of mobile bodies that have long been othered and marginalised due to issues pertaining to gender, disability, race, and class. Yet there is a relative lack of academic work on it, despite the fact that Anglophone literature has increasingly portrayed the circulation of characters, objects, and information since the 19th century, echoing the many types of mobility that have occurred through processes of colonisation, decolonisation and globalisation. This book, therefore, discusses the ways in which literatures produced in the English-speaking world challenge normative depictions of bodies on the move and reconceptualise them by making corporeality an essential feature of movement across the world.
Contributions by: Sun Jai Kim, Nolwenn Corriou, Solveig Dunkel, Fabien Desset, Guillaume Didier, Pawel Wojtas, Andrée-Anne Kekeh-Dika, Fabienne Franvil, Cédric Courtois, Maureen Fielding, Neela Cathelain, Sandrine Soukaï